Call For Submissions: August/September 2023

The Gender Exploration Carnival is one of several blogging carnivals – an event where a host blog puts out a theme for the month, participants create content and share the links with the host, and the host posts a round-up at the end of the month. For more information, you can check out the FAQ page.

I’m self-hosting the Gender Exploration Carnival with the theme of “Sports” for August and September of 2023. The following prompts are merely suggestions, and you are not required to answer one question (or all of them) in order to participate as long as your submission is connected to the theme.

Suggested questions:

  • Do you have any thoughts about sex/gender segregation in sports?
  • Do you have any thoughts or personal experiences you’d like to share about all trans teams (example: TRUK United FC)?
  • Do you have any personal experiences with or thoughts on taking part in teams or sports events where cisgender and non-cisgender participants are together? (If you’re comfortable with talking about negative experiences, you may, but you’re welcome to also talk about positive experiences as well.)
  • Do you have any thoughts on or personal experiences with participating in sports events as an intersex person? (The Olympics are pretty exclusive in terms of participation, but you’re welcome to talk about whether or how “sex verification” has impacted your participation in sports, for example.)

The deadline for submissions is 2 am EDT [UTC-4] on 30 September 2023. I will post the round-up around 3 pm on 30 September and will accept late submissions until then. You can submit an anonymous entry for this month by emailing (the post will be self-hosted here on WordPress), or you can leave a link to your submission in a comment on this post. There is a corresponding Call for Submissions on Pillowfort. If you have an idea for a theme and would like to host, please leave a comment on Volunteer As Host.

Round Up: June/July 2023

There weren’t any submissions for the revisited “Pride Month” theme.

If you’d like to host for August/September 2023, please leave a comment on the Volunteer As Host post. (If you’d really only like to host for one month, you can specify which in your comment.)

I’ll aim for posting the August/September Call for Submissions this Sunday, the 6th, around 2 pm Eastern Time.

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