Call For Submissions: June 2022

The Gender Exploration Carnival is one of several blogging carnivals – an event where a host blog puts out a theme for the month, participants create content and share the links with the host, and the host posts a round-up at the end of the month. For more information, you can check out the FAQ page.

For June 2022, I have decided to self-host the Gender Exploration Carnival with the theme “Pride Month.” The following prompts are merely suggestions, and you are not required to answer one question (or all of them) in order to participate as long as your submission is connected to the theme.

Suggested questions:

  • Do you feel disconnected from the idea of Pride Month or planned Pride events in some way?
  • Do you live somewhere with in-person Pride Month events? Or is Pride Month more of an online happening?
  • Do you live somewhere where Pride Month or planned Pride events happen in a different month than June? Are you still planning out your events or what you might attend?

The deadline for submissions is 2 am EDT [UTC-4] on 1 July 2022. I will post the round-up around 2 pm on 2 July and will accept late submissions until then. You can submit an anonymous entry for this month by emailing (the post will be self-hosted here on WordPress), or you can leave a link to your submission in a comment on this post. There is a corresponding Call for Submissions on Tumblr [here], and on Pillowfort [here]. If you have an idea for a theme and would like to host, please leave a comment on Volunteer As Host.

Round Up: May 2022

For May 2022 for the Gender Exploration Carnival, I accepted submissions for prior themes. I received submissions from the following participants:

Daniel – “My asexuality, aromanticism, agenderness and mental health

I chose mental health as old topic. This is a joint contribution also for Carnival of Aros, as the topic and the message coincide, just changing between romantic orientation and gender identity. 

Léo – “Turning the Mic On” [A heads up for a passing mention of rape and pedophilia.]

Most importantly, the arrival of summer reminds me of my past gender questioning that had officially begun in late 2020 after questioning my sexuality but got much more serious around March 2021. This good year start made the future sounds promising, so surely what will come next will be just as good, right? Well, April 30th 2021 came first.

If you tried to submit something but don’t see your submission here, please let me know, and I’ll update the post. You can email, comment on this post, or reach out via the Contact page. The theme for June 2022 has not been announced yet, and if you’d like to host, you can leave a comment on the Volunteer As Host post. If no one comments by 2 pm EDT on the 4th of June, I’ll put out a self-hosted theme.

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