Accepting Submissions: May 2022

This post is where anyone who wishes to comment with a submission that could fit with any prior theme may do so. There’s no limit on how far back you can go on the Themes page, but I would like to note that the Surveys theme will be revisited when the Gender Census opens up for 2022.

For those who would like a reminder, past themes since the last catch up month in September of 2021 have included:

  • Masculinity and Femininity,
  • Epistemology or Coming to Knowledge,
  • Expression,
  • Old & New,
  • GNC Intersections, and
  • Visibility.

If anyone would like to submit an anonymous entry, you can email it to, and the post will be self-hosted here on WordPress. If you have an idea for a theme for June 2022 and would like to host, please leave a comment on Volunteer As Host. Submissions will be due by 2 am EDT (UTC-4) on 1 June 2022.

Round Up: April 2022

The theme for the Gender Exploration Carnival for April 2022 was “Visibility.” I posted the round up here; there was one submission from an anonymous contributor.

Anon – “Offline experiences of Transgender Day of Visibility

I will describe my experience of the last Trans Day of Visibility, which was very fruitful for me. I attended 4 sessions of symposium and had informal meetings with several people involved.

I currently don’t have a host for May 2022. If you’d like to host, please leave a comment on Volunteer As Host with your theme idea. If no one comes forward by 11:59 pm Eastern this Friday (the 6th), May will probably be a month for accepting submissions on past themes.

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