Accepting Submissions: September 2021

While I’ll use the “Call For Submissions” category and tag for this post, I wasn’t really planning on putting out an official theme this month, since I’ve spent a good portion of it without internet. This post is where anyone who wishes to comment with a submission that could fit with any prior theme may do so.

For those who would like a reminder, the six prior themes are:

  • Questioning,
  • Surveys,
  • Neurodivergence / Mental Health,
  • Pronouns,
  • Sexuality,
  • Activism and Community Building, and
  • Academia.

If anyone would like to submit an anonymous entry, you can email it to, and the post will be self-hosted here on WordPress. If you have an idea for a theme for October 2021 and would like to host, please leave a comment on Volunteer As Host.

Round Up: August 2021

The theme for August was “Academia.”

Em – “Possibility” [Content warnings: Covid-19, conservatives, mostly implied transphobia.]

I’ve previously written about my struggles with the whole “state your pronouns” question; this is more about the way I interact with idea of colleges and universities than about them as actual things.

Starkissed – “Notebooks✔ Pencils✔ Gender Identity⁉” [Of note: Author is only qualified to cover the US public education system.]

What’s on your school supply list? An inside look at practices related to gender identity in K-12 public education.

My post – “Kinda-Sorta First Steps” [Content warnings: References to implied transphobia.]

The surface level sound bite that I came away from my experience at this university was: an institution can set a goal, but the actions of individuals who make up that institution can be a roll of the dice.

Round Up: July 2021

Due to a lack of internet, I’m afraid I’m just now getting around to posting July’s round up. The theme was ‘Community Building and Activism’.

There was one submission from high-femme-baphomet: On-Purpose Allyship and De/Trans Liberation.

Content warnings: discussion of transphobia and medical transition, TERFs and their ideology; one frank mention of genitals.

Detrans people deserve better than to be seen as a black-and-white example of the worst possible outcome of transition. They deserve better than being expected to hate or mourn their cis bodies as lost to transition. They deserve better than to be a taboo subject and a political weapon. And trans people? Deserve better than to see detransition as the worst possible thing that could happen to them, too.

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